I read the message over and over again.
“They’re letting us check out the greenroom”
My palms started to moisten, my brain running a million miles a second (ie very fast) and my heart began to pound rapidly, I thought it was going to leap out of my chest.
Immediately, I rang one of my bffs, Kat, who had some experience at dealing with me in these situations.
I began explaining to her the e-mail that RO sent me, how nervous I was, and warned her “to not let me say anything stupid” (SPOILER ALERT: Didn’t really work, did it Kat, HMMMM??!?!?!)
Between Friday 14 Nov 4:20pm and Sunday16 Nov 5pm, I had so many questions on my mind: what would I say? What should I bring? But most importantly: What the hell was I going to wear? My fashion crisis was solved by my younger sister: “black jeans, and the shirt you wore when you met Wil Anderson”
Me: “My ‘I’m Your Fan Shirt’?”
Her: That’s the one
Me: Can I wear that one?
Her: Is he going to be there?
Me: Don’t think so
Her: Then you can wear it
(SPOILER ALERT: Didn’t really work did it, Laura, HMM!?!?!?!)
By 5:50pm, I had my bag packed and prepared. I think I can officially call myself a professional studio audience person thingy. I might get myself some business cards now.
6pm rolled on and so did my nerves. First Kat arrived to my house, then my dear dad (aka chauffeur) came to pick us up. Our first issue was that Kat was hungry. Very hungry. So we made a mental note to get food as soon as we arrived to Carriageworks (same studio as the first time, just bigger I think)
Second issue was finding the entrance. Dad had dropped us off at the loading dock, thus allowing us to walk confusedly (not a real word, suspend disbelief) back to the audience entrance.
“Hey, do you have any lip gloss”: RO to me upon our first meeting.
Our numbers had increased to three as we stood in line, crossing all body parts that we would get in okay.
We finally arrived to the desk. First moment of truth.
“Follow Murray to the greenroom please”
We hastily put on our passes and followed the lovely Murray all the way to the makeshift greenroom. By this time, Kat had realised she had to go to the bathroom as well. Food and toilet…the girl has her priorities straight.
While Kat was munching happily on some bread and dip, RO and I wandered around the upper level of the greenroom, which we decided were makeshift offices and dressing rooms.
At about 7:30 ish, we had increased to 4, with the addition of RO’s plus one, Bob*
Waiting around, sipping on my lemonade, RO gets pulled away by Rove’s assistant Lucy. At this point we’re all thinking “Oh shit….are we in trouble?” Not that we should have been worried. She was just coming to tell her that Rove would like to meet us.
Let me repeat that just in case you didn’t read it properly.
I was starting to think that the paper bag would have been a very good idea after all.
I don't know where he popped up, but all of a sudden, the man, the myth, the legend was standing behind us. He shook RO’s hand and spoke to her a little bit before she introduced me. And my first words? They were “Hi. I blog.”
*insert embarrassment*
Rove kindly agreed to take photos of us (mine is now my wallpaper-sorry Coldplay!)
And then he talked to me!!! I asked him about plans for another dvd (something that us on roveonline.com thought would be a great idea) and he said that at the moment it’s a little harder because of clearances and that sketches : guests ratio is not as it used to be, but that maybe in a few more years it would be possible. He also said that he gets asked to put his standup shows on dvd, which he has no immediate plans of doing so. I requested more song and dance routines- he looked a bit sheepish at this moment, but that’s okay :) RO chimed in about his profanity during standup shows. Then we discussed his recent appearance on The Tonight Show in America and how I felt that he did much better than the other guest, Sarah Silverman.
EXCLUSIVE: Rove said that there will be an announcement about his future in the US in the next 24 hrs. Stay tuned.
Sadly, I can’t remember what was said after this, only that he promised to say hello during the show. WHICH HE TOTALLY DID!!!
Hang on, I think I remember him thanking RO for all her support, and maybe even something about the ARIAs and the last time we were at a taping. My memory is still a bit blurry.
Though I do remember flashing my shirt to Rove just before he left. I *think* he appreciated it.
Also, who should I see walk in to the green room? Megan Gale. Gorgeous!!!! Did I take a photo with her? No. Sadly.
Wil Anderson decides to walk in with Dave Hughes. Internally, I don’t know what was going on. Bits of me were giddy.
We got ushered into our totally VIP seats. I was laughing just quietly at the signs that had on our seats. First thing I noticed was that my seat was directly underneath a microphone. Great, more youtube moments (pj Karina)
Now onto the show itself: Opening mono: hilarious. Am loving the new style and hope he keeps it for next years season.
Peter and Carrie: great as usual. Before the show, Rove and Pete come out and introduce themselves to the audience. Rove told this hilarious story involving a mistaken hotel room, a gay couple and a stripper. You figure it out. Peter told us to laugh at his Swept Away joke- I took his time to point out hat it happens to be my dad’s favourite film. The Madonna version. True story.
Daniel Craig: Such a fox. But I kinda zoned out towards the end, before 20 bucks. Interestingly enough, Rove told me Daniel Craig doesn’t liked to be asked about his swimming trunks scene in Casino Royale. Would turn gay for Hugh Jackman: get your jousting sticks out Rove!
Now I can’t remember if it was at this point that Rove came up to briefly talk to us. (during an ad break)
R: How are you enjoying it?
Me: It’s brilliant!
R: Taking notes?
M: For sure!
R: what would you rate it? 4.. 5?
M: 5!
R: Out of 10!!!! Pfft…
M: :( No, out of 5.
Then he got distracted by Megan Gale, who was sitting an arm’s length away from RO. And we still didn’t do anything . *le sigh* She is so pretty in real life. Not that I expected her to be fugly, but you never know.
Dave Hughes: awesome. I couldn’t stop laughing. His spiel on how to act infront of celebs would have been helpful AN HOUR AGO!
Hamish and Andy: didn’t do much, but I figure that’s cause the show as jam packed as it was.
Ben Stiller and Chris Rock: funny, as was expected. And as I suspected to expect. (fantale for that reference). Did Chris Rock out Queen Latifah?
Ryan Shelton: wasn’t expecting the animation, but was pleasantly surprised.
Snow Patrol: they were good, but the best was Rove’s dance moves off camera. I’m telling you, he’s the triple threat: acting, singing and dancing. Is there anything this man CAN’T do?!?!?
Tom P: I just want to wrap him hip and take him home.
These things we love: aren’t they?!?! *le sigh*
Then the second most awesome thing happened right at the end, after the montage and credits rolled.
Rove ran up to RO and gave her a signed copy of the running order.
What a fantastic way to end an awesome show and a brilliant season. Am looking forward to 2009, the tenth year of Rove (hoorah! Double digits!) And a thank you once again to RO (whinging does work!), the Rove team and most importantly Rove for going above and beyond our expectations.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
If What The... could be brought back
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hail to the Rove!
Upon opening my diary on the morning of Tuesday 13th May, I was pleasantly greeted by a photo of a boyish looking man with very short hair, holidng a fish bowl. May has officially been renamed as "The month formerly known as May that will now be known as Rove." At least in my world it has been. And my world is AWESOME!!
The whole day I was filled with nervous excitment (is there any other kind?). Going to Rove's stand up show was really, really special to me, becuase the last time he toured was in 2005. When I was overseas. In Egypt. Riding a friggin camel. In the desert. That may sound cool to other people, but clearly, I was not impressed. I came back from that holiday ON THE LAST NIGHT OF HIS SYDNEY SHOW.
So, you can imagine how adament I was on getting tickets to see him in Sydney, especially as they were first released with the words "ONE SHOW ONLY!" attached. (Token, I'm looking at you).
Learning from my experience at both the taping of "Rove" and the James Blunt concert, I came prepared. I charged my digital camera AND my phone, just in case-ys.
Katerina, my BFF and fellow nutcase, bravely agreed to see the show with me. I say brave because as it turns out, I almost spontaneously combusted. Almost.
The night was planned with military style precision.And it went a little bit like this:
1730 hrs: Leave house to go pick up Kat.
1800 hrs: Arrive at Kat's place.
1805 hrs: Kat enters car shoeless.
1806 hrs: Kat has both shoes on
1821 hrs: Arrive at Enmore Theatre.
Side note: I didn't realise there would be a HUGE FRIGGIN BILLBOARD OF ROVE at the Theatre. Otherwise, I would ahve been camera ready :(
1824 hrs: Walk around to find food.
1825 hrs: Food is found. (Chips ala Portugese style- doubley yum!)
1850 hrs: Walk back to Enmore.
And this point, we arrived at our first dilemma- would they check bags? Quick answer: no. Crisis over. (I will give a fantail and/or cookie to the first person who gets the reference.)
Second dilemma (well for me, anyway). I have a thing with concerts and the like, where I have to get a t-shirt as a souvenir. Lo and behold, there in the corner, as Kat and I walked in, was the teeny tiny merchandising counter. (insert lame reference to Rove's height).
Kat: Oh, cool. Are you gonna get one?
Me: *blank face* Duh.
Kat: Which one?
Me: OMG, BABY BUMP!!! Huh? oh...I don't know! Which one do you think I should get?
Kat: Baby Bump?
Me: I'll explain later. It's in the show. WHICH ONE SHOULD I GET?!?!
Kat: Which one do you like?
Me: Ths fish one looks nice...
Kat: So get that one.
Kat: *pauses* Think about it logically. Would you wear the Baby Bump tee to uni? What if you were bloated? It might look like you were preggers!
Me: *considers* True dat. And it's probably intended for guys anyway.
Lady at counter: Do you want the fitted or normal tee?
After that bit of crazy, we were ushered to our seats, which I have to say, deserve a special mention for being SO AWESOME! We were so close to the stage, I was literally having little freak outs and making sure my top was staying on (don't take it like that!!! It was really loose at the straps :( But so pretty!)
Took a picture of the stage twice. Once with my camera on the phone and the second, Kat took on my digital camera. But not before we mucked around and took like a thousand pictures of ourselves for facebook. (Again, reference scores a goodie.) Coincidentally, the two slightly older ladies behind us were doing the same. Kat and I both noticed the ratio of ladies to men was a bit out of whack. Make of that what you will.
Kat: "It's 7:35!"
Me: "ABCEDFGGGGGGGGGGG!!!" Squeel. Squeel. Squeel. Kat can show you the nail marks.
And it was with a bang (literally) that the show began. And the first thing I noticed? He was wearing my jeans. And he has tiny legs!! I had heard from another friend who had seen him at red carpet even that he was quite skinny, but at the "Rove" taping, I didn't notice because he was hidden underneath the suit. But he really is short and skinny. Cept for the bulging arms. Tres distracting.
ATTENTION!!!!!!!!! THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!! You have been warned.
I don't want to give too much away, but personal highlights are as follows:
- "I LIKE ICE-CREAM!" YESSSS!!! Bring it back Rovey. bring it back. I think I was the only one clapping when he said this.
- "Note to self- more dumb songs" Yes please. Loved both of them. In fact, any time that Rove sings and/or dances, there are bits of me that just go giddy.
- The fact that no-one was in the chair infront of me, thus allowing for perfect vision and attempts to make eye contact.
- The Benny Hill parts... *giggles*
- Emoticons! Rove is so good at facial funnies- he's a physical comic, which sometimes doesn't come across on the television.
-Cockroach bit- I swaer he was pointing and talking about Kat, but she denies this. Not what he said,b ut that he was referencing her.
- The George Bush part- Shout out to Eleni.
- SYTYCD- shout out to Karina.
-The Santa Clause part.
- When he had no idea where the joke was going.
- The bird part. I was so tempted to bring band aids just in case. But I loved the extra bit he put in at the end.
- The medical examination *giggles* "I've seen Rove's Logie,and it ain't so Gold!"
- Any and all times that he swore. As Kat and I agreed "He sounds like a 12 yr old cursing!"
- the girly voice. I *heart* it. AND HE DID HIS GIRLY RUN!!!!
- The fruit cake/sun dried part.
- The tabloids part. Nod, nod , nod.
Was also pleasantly surprised to find no opening act. Not that I'm against supporting new Aussie comics, but more Rovey for my buck pwease!
Sadly, unlike Wil Anderson's show, Rove went backstage immediately after the show and didn't come back out for meet and greet.
But not before I scored the pic at the start of this post. It's my new wallpaper on my computer *le sigh*
To be honest, I didn't want the show to end. It didn't feel like there we were there watching this mega star tell jokes to us: more like we just happened to stumble upon one another and start a conversation. A fantastic show; I give it 9 Roves' out of 10 McManus'
Monday, May 5, 2008
Logies 08
The most wonderful time of the year....
Aaah, the Logie Awards. TV's night of nights. I *heart* it, not simply for it's un-Hollywood slickness that covers most awards ceremonies (we keep it real.) but simply because it is the only time we get to celebrate the best and worst of Aussie TV. I don't care what anyone says, I love it and will defend it to the end.
Let's get on with it then, shall we?
Red carpet started off brilliantly with Kylie's "Wow" being played. And then got progressively cheesier from there. Noticed a lot of off the shoulder/grecian style dresses and canary yellow seemed to be the in colour. Also, lots of black and white.
Best Dressed: hmmm...Megan Gale or Kate Ritchie, although my little sister described it as having "thrown a curtain on her and brishing her hair nice"
Georgie Parker..basic black but me likey. But there was no scrunchie! What's with that, Georgie, hmmm?!?!?
Worst Dressed: Jordi Gordon, hands down. Metallic tutu?!?!!? WTF. I didn't see Susan Eleman's outfit (was she even there?) I also wasn't feeling Natalie Blair's outfit. The hair ruined it for me. Michelle Bridges (trainer from the Biggest Loser) could have done without her wings. Andrew O'Keefe and his angry gold jacket.
Honourable mention: Rove's suit was classy, Mafia style. Jason Coleman...I have no words for you. Rhys, to stilletos on men, Australia says no.
The show
With 50 years of the Tv Week Logie Awards, I was expecting clips and montages aplenty. Instead, I found this years show to be the most entertaining out of any of the previous awards that I've watched. The show started with the top 10 from So You Think You Can Dance, who did an amazing job with "Don't Hold Back"
And yes, Jack was the shit and proved worthy of his title of "Australia's favourite dancer"
Couple of highlights/lowlights/lights:
-In lieu of clips and montages, they asked a bunch of stars questions like "Favourite Logie moment?" "Who do you associate with the Logies?" and "ever witnessed a controversial moment at the Logies?" Hilarious! Best part was the random dancing to the Veronicas' "Untouched". Loved it! If there's a link on youtube, I'll post it.
EDIT: Ta-dah!!!
- When Binid Irwin won.
Nominees announced...
Me: I'll eat my slipper if she wins.
*winner announced*
Me: *spazz face* Oh shit.
- Hamish and Andy backstage.
- Adam Hills' reading his acceptance speech when his jokes fell flat.
-Patti Newton!!! and Ding Dong Drysdale!!!
- Danni Minogue and the ladies from Kath and Kim. I was loving myself sick.
- Mr G's performance. I was freaking out hardcore and my parents thought I was retarded. Actually, they thought I was retarded before this, but my reaction just solidifed it for them.
Screw it, any time Chris Lilley won. Twas brill.
- Stephen Curry's speech after winning "Most Outstanding Actor" for "The King." Totally deserved it!
- Rove winning "Most Popular Presenter" for the 6th time in a row. I was jumping up and down with joy! Or something similar to that feeling. RF and Ro have decided that they should officially rename the award "The Rove McManus award for Most Popular Presenter" Oh, and him checking his fly and deciding to announce to it to the audience.
- Sonia Kruger totally hating on HER OWN SHOW!! I love her/I hate her, I can't get enough of the Krug.
-"Australian Story: Some Meaning in This Life" winning and the ensuing beautiful speech by the team. Total silence in the auditorium. Though, I'm a little perturbed that Rove wasn't thanked. No biggie, but still....
- Daryl Sommers final hoorah.
"Maybe we should bring Hey Hey back?"
*expecting applause*
*dead silence*
- Peter Helliar as "Strauchnie" and giving Ch 9 a battering onstage with Eddie McGuire.
-Any mention of the Chaser boys.
-And for that, any Todd McKenney jokes.
- Andrew Denton and his 101:1 odds of winning.
- The lack of crappy American tv stars. Thank God!!!!
- Kate winning gold. Hapy endings for all.
And now the full list of winners (from the Hearld Sun site):
Gold Logie - Most Popular Personality on TV:Kate Ritchie (Home and Away)
Silver Logie - Most Popular Actress:Kate Ritchie (Home and Away)
Silver Logie - Most Popular Actor:Chris Lilley (Summer Heights High)
Most Popular Light Entertainment Program: Kath & Kim
Most Popular Presenter:Rove McManus (Rove / Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?)
Most Popular Sports Program:The Footy Show AFL
Most Popular New Female Talent: Bindi Irwin (The Jungle Girl)
Most Popular New Male Talent: Lincoln Lewis (Home and Away)
Most Popular Reality Program:Dancing With The Stars
Most Popular Factual Program:Bondi Rescue
Most Popular Lifestyle Program:Better Homes and Gardens
Most Popular Australian Drama:Home And Away
Silver Logie - Most Outstanding Drama Series, Miniseries or Telemovie: Curtin
Silver Logie - Most Outstanding Actor:Stephen Curry (The King)
Silver Logie - Most Outstanding Actress:Alison Whyte (Satisfaction)
Most Outstanding News Coverage:Garuda Plane Crash
Most Outstanding Public Affairs Report:Some Meaning In This Life: Belinda Emmett
Most Outstanding Documentary:Constructing Australia: The Bridge
Most Outstanding Factual Series:Choir of Hard Knocks
Most Outstanding Comedy Program:Summer Heights High
Most Outstanding Sports Coverage:Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000
Most Outstanding Children's Program:Lockie Leonard
Graham Kennedy Award for Most Outstanding New Talent:Tammy Clarkson (The Circuit)
Hall of Fame:John Clarke
(Apologies for the lack of pictures. I'm too scurred to put any up re: legalities)
Aaah, the Logie Awards. TV's night of nights. I *heart* it, not simply for it's un-Hollywood slickness that covers most awards ceremonies (we keep it real.) but simply because it is the only time we get to celebrate the best and worst of Aussie TV. I don't care what anyone says, I love it and will defend it to the end.
Let's get on with it then, shall we?
Red carpet started off brilliantly with Kylie's "Wow" being played. And then got progressively cheesier from there. Noticed a lot of off the shoulder/grecian style dresses and canary yellow seemed to be the in colour. Also, lots of black and white.
Best Dressed: hmmm...Megan Gale or Kate Ritchie, although my little sister described it as having "thrown a curtain on her and brishing her hair nice"
Georgie Parker..basic black but me likey. But there was no scrunchie! What's with that, Georgie, hmmm?!?!?
Worst Dressed: Jordi Gordon, hands down. Metallic tutu?!?!!? WTF. I didn't see Susan Eleman's outfit (was she even there?) I also wasn't feeling Natalie Blair's outfit. The hair ruined it for me. Michelle Bridges (trainer from the Biggest Loser) could have done without her wings. Andrew O'Keefe and his angry gold jacket.
Honourable mention: Rove's suit was classy, Mafia style. Jason Coleman...I have no words for you. Rhys, to stilletos on men, Australia says no.
The show
With 50 years of the Tv Week Logie Awards, I was expecting clips and montages aplenty. Instead, I found this years show to be the most entertaining out of any of the previous awards that I've watched. The show started with the top 10 from So You Think You Can Dance, who did an amazing job with "Don't Hold Back"
And yes, Jack was the shit and proved worthy of his title of "Australia's favourite dancer"
Couple of highlights/lowlights/lights:
-In lieu of clips and montages, they asked a bunch of stars questions like "Favourite Logie moment?" "Who do you associate with the Logies?" and "ever witnessed a controversial moment at the Logies?" Hilarious! Best part was the random dancing to the Veronicas' "Untouched". Loved it! If there's a link on youtube, I'll post it.
EDIT: Ta-dah!!!
- When Binid Irwin won.
Nominees announced...
Me: I'll eat my slipper if she wins.
*winner announced*
Me: *spazz face* Oh shit.
- Hamish and Andy backstage.
- Adam Hills' reading his acceptance speech when his jokes fell flat.
-Patti Newton!!! and Ding Dong Drysdale!!!
- Danni Minogue and the ladies from Kath and Kim. I was loving myself sick.
- Mr G's performance. I was freaking out hardcore and my parents thought I was retarded. Actually, they thought I was retarded before this, but my reaction just solidifed it for them.
Screw it, any time Chris Lilley won. Twas brill.
- Stephen Curry's speech after winning "Most Outstanding Actor" for "The King." Totally deserved it!
- Rove winning "Most Popular Presenter" for the 6th time in a row. I was jumping up and down with joy! Or something similar to that feeling. RF and Ro have decided that they should officially rename the award "The Rove McManus award for Most Popular Presenter" Oh, and him checking his fly and deciding to announce to it to the audience.
- Sonia Kruger totally hating on HER OWN SHOW!! I love her/I hate her, I can't get enough of the Krug.
-"Australian Story: Some Meaning in This Life" winning and the ensuing beautiful speech by the team. Total silence in the auditorium. Though, I'm a little perturbed that Rove wasn't thanked. No biggie, but still....
- Daryl Sommers final hoorah.
"Maybe we should bring Hey Hey back?"
*expecting applause*
*dead silence*
- Peter Helliar as "Strauchnie" and giving Ch 9 a battering onstage with Eddie McGuire.
-Any mention of the Chaser boys.
-And for that, any Todd McKenney jokes.
- Andrew Denton and his 101:1 odds of winning.
- The lack of crappy American tv stars. Thank God!!!!
- Kate winning gold. Hapy endings for all.
And now the full list of winners (from the Hearld Sun site):
Gold Logie - Most Popular Personality on TV:Kate Ritchie (Home and Away)
Silver Logie - Most Popular Actress:Kate Ritchie (Home and Away)
Silver Logie - Most Popular Actor:Chris Lilley (Summer Heights High)
Most Popular Light Entertainment Program: Kath & Kim
Most Popular Presenter:Rove McManus (Rove / Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?)
Most Popular Sports Program:The Footy Show AFL
Most Popular New Female Talent: Bindi Irwin (The Jungle Girl)
Most Popular New Male Talent: Lincoln Lewis (Home and Away)
Most Popular Reality Program:Dancing With The Stars
Most Popular Factual Program:Bondi Rescue
Most Popular Lifestyle Program:Better Homes and Gardens
Most Popular Australian Drama:Home And Away
Silver Logie - Most Outstanding Drama Series, Miniseries or Telemovie: Curtin
Silver Logie - Most Outstanding Actor:Stephen Curry (The King)
Silver Logie - Most Outstanding Actress:Alison Whyte (Satisfaction)
Most Outstanding News Coverage:Garuda Plane Crash
Most Outstanding Public Affairs Report:Some Meaning In This Life: Belinda Emmett
Most Outstanding Documentary:Constructing Australia: The Bridge
Most Outstanding Factual Series:Choir of Hard Knocks
Most Outstanding Comedy Program:Summer Heights High
Most Outstanding Sports Coverage:Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000
Most Outstanding Children's Program:Lockie Leonard
Graham Kennedy Award for Most Outstanding New Talent:Tammy Clarkson (The Circuit)
Hall of Fame:John Clarke
(Apologies for the lack of pictures. I'm too scurred to put any up re: legalities)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
James Blunt @ Ent Cent 3 May
The first time I saw James Blunt live was at The Hordern Pavillion in 2006. Well actually, it was his performance at MTV AVAMA's, (but that's another story!). I was unsure of what to expect of him live, but after that evening, I came away a fully fledged fan.
So it was with absolute excitement that I entered the Ent Cent at 7:58pm, clutching my tickets and praying that I wouldn't fall over in my heels.
The support act was Gabriella Cilmi (of "Sweet About Me" fame). I had been listening to her record for two/three weeks now, before knowing she was booked for the show. Her record is good, some strong tracks, some forgettable ones. As a live performer, she's good, but a little lazy. She performed about 6 songs, including a cover of JT"s "Cry Me A River". Katerina noted, along with myself, that she seems to wear the same standard outfit for every appearance. Hmmmm...
The Blunt was brilliant. He played for around 2 hrs (including a 3 song encore). All the favourites were there- "Give Me Some Love", "You're Beautiful" and "Goodbye My Lover" among some of them. Personal highlights were "Coz I Love You" ( a cover of the Slade classic, which he also had in his 06 show. Since that show, I've had a wonderful affair with the song, and I'm so glad I recorded his version). and "Annie" ("This is a song about a very naughty girl" Me: "OMG!!! YES!!!)
Although I did wish he would have put in "Where is My Mind" and "Fall At Your Feet", I'm glad he covered most of the songs off "All The Lost Souls", because it truly is a brilliant record.
In short, Jimmy was a blast. :)
Crap pics and video will be up shortly.
So it was with absolute excitement that I entered the Ent Cent at 7:58pm, clutching my tickets and praying that I wouldn't fall over in my heels.
The support act was Gabriella Cilmi (of "Sweet About Me" fame). I had been listening to her record for two/three weeks now, before knowing she was booked for the show. Her record is good, some strong tracks, some forgettable ones. As a live performer, she's good, but a little lazy. She performed about 6 songs, including a cover of JT"s "Cry Me A River". Katerina noted, along with myself, that she seems to wear the same standard outfit for every appearance. Hmmmm...
The Blunt was brilliant. He played for around 2 hrs (including a 3 song encore). All the favourites were there- "Give Me Some Love", "You're Beautiful" and "Goodbye My Lover" among some of them. Personal highlights were "Coz I Love You" ( a cover of the Slade classic, which he also had in his 06 show. Since that show, I've had a wonderful affair with the song, and I'm so glad I recorded his version). and "Annie" ("This is a song about a very naughty girl" Me: "OMG!!! YES!!!)
Although I did wish he would have put in "Where is My Mind" and "Fall At Your Feet", I'm glad he covered most of the songs off "All The Lost Souls", because it truly is a brilliant record.
In short, Jimmy was a blast. :)
Crap pics and video will be up shortly.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
My night at Rove
“And we’re on in 10..9..8..!”
The anticipation filled the makeshift television studio, a mixture of nerves and excitement ran through my veins as I watched Mr Entertainment, Rove McManus on the plasma screen in front of me. As he danced a jig, anxiously waiting for his cue to promo, a smile crept on to my face. I could hardly believe that I was going to be watching “Rove” not from the comfort of my living room, but from the source itself.
After a false start, involving driving back to my house to pick up my proof of age card (which turned out to be useless anyway), my BFF Karina and I arrived outside Carriageworks at 8:20 ish.
“Just ask those two ladies…”
My face soured.
“NOOOO!!! I can’t. Can’t you…”
The thing with Karina is she has 110% confidence in these sorts of situations. She sees a celebrity and she will hunt them down. If you want anyone at these sorts of events, it’s her. Bless.
She grabbed my arm and led me towards the “Rove” entrance, albeit distracted by “So You Think Can Dance”.
I braced myself and hoped to Peter, Paul, Mary and Ringo that we would be let in.
The petit but gentile lady at the desk looked up at me.
“Hello girls. Do you have your tickets?”
I fumbled nervously with the piece of paper that was at this moment more precious to me than gold.
“Great. Sitting or Standing?”
“Ok. And the name?”
After perusing the lists twice with no success, Kellie gave us two band passes and we worked towards the huddle that had gathered at Door 1.
“Is this the line?”
“I guess so…”
Technically, we didn’t cut in. Phones switched off, we headed down the cold corridor towards the studio. Passing by Kynan Barker, my eyes did a double take.
“That’s Kynan!!”
“Warm up guy.”
“Oh cool.”
Much to our surprise, Karina and I were given seats assigned for Channel 10 reps.
“We’re like old pros!”
“This beats the shit out of Idol!”
We got comfortable (or at least, as comfortable as we could be in our excitement). There was a buzz in the air; perhaps it was the fact that it was a big show, or maybe the alcohol everyone had beforehand.
My eyes did a bit of wondering and saw Tasma W take her seat in the audience. I pointed her out to Karina and did my “Oh” face.
Kynan came on stage and his warm up went a little like this:
“Hi guys! Blah blah blah..Level 1 clap…Level 2 clap…Apeshit nuts…Rove…excitement blah blah blah.”
I was becoming more and more distracted by the plasma TVs set up with the finale of SYTYCD playing for us.
“Oh God…Jack is going to be here!!!” squealed Karina in my ear.
“Calm down!” Oh, the irony.
“Check out the sign” I said as I pointed out the flashing bulbs that arranged themselves in a fashionable order.
“Ok, let’s make him welcome, the host of the show… ROVE MCMANUS!!!”
I clapped so hard my hands were red and numb. They’ll probably fall off by tonight, I thought.
“OMG!! He’s tiny” remarked Karina.
This time, I let out a squeal.
Rove’s first appearance on the set with Peter was hilarious. A definite highlight was seeing some leg- rawr. And his fugly socks- not so rawr. The outfit was a plus for me; only real men wear pink.
Moving along, and the show started off with only one person slapping Rove’s hand for his entrance. A nodded my head in disappointment. I was also insanely jealous of the standing members of the audience who interacted with the man himself. Then I remembered my problem in that around famous people, my brain works on a delay system. In hindsight it was probably better that I didn’t speak/get too close to Rove. Who knows what might have happened….
The monologue had me in stitches. I love it when he dances- awkward much? :P
I found myself watching his reactions to Carrie’s jokes, simply because I knew that he was off camera during this section. Fascinating.
Pete came on and did PeteSpace. Something I’ve noticed is that this year, there is less chatting during this part than last years season. I miss it!!
During Hugh Jackman’s interview, I swear, one could cut the sexual tension with A KNIFE. I held my breath and crossed my fingers during “$20 in 20 secs” Would he? Wouldn’t he? Was I taping this just in case there was a bit of man loving?
A let out a big “Awww!” (not the kind you make when you see something cute, the kind of sound you make when you’re disappointed) as Hugh teased Rove (and myself). At least we’ll always have Dan Radcliffe….
The adbreaks were a real treat though. More dancing and interaction with the Rove and co= muchos hilarity. Imagine watching a dvd only for the behind the scenes extras. That’s what it’s like.
“Any questions?”
Karina poked my arm “Ask something!”
Sour face appeared again. “I can’t. I don’t know what to say!”
Jack and Rhys’s appearance was lovely, were it not for Ms Giggles and Sighs next to me :P
Next up, Hamish and Andy. Or as I like to call them, Handy. Because they are.
For some stupid reason, I rolled up my jacket sleeve to reveal in plain view my “KM4E” H&A wristband. What the hell was I thinking? They weren’t going to notice it. *le sigh*
Both Karina and I rolled our eyes.
“This takes me right back”
Noticing her handbag, I smirked to my buddy “Oh God, she’s going to try to spruik her bags!”
More eye-rolling throughout the interview. Nervous laughter. I think that interview will go in the “Never Again” bin for Rove. Karina and I both noticed her sullen look later in the show, but it wasn’t until Hamish and Andy discussed Hamish’s “elbow butting” that it made sense. Score: Hamish 1, Satan 0.
Karina and I jolted upright in our seats. Our bogan hero.
The time came for Nat and the Rogue Traders to perform. Being a big RT fan, I was really looking forward to this performance, especially because “What You’re On” is one of my fav songs. I danced a little in my chair and mouthed the words along. I was a little embarrassed that the crew might be watching me, but I really didn’t care. I was enjoying myself too much.
Sadly, the last segment of the evening, “Things that we love” had arrived. Mischa mistake number 2: Rove explaining to her the joke is “because I’m short.”
Her response: “Oh.” *nods head slowly*
“OK, Camera time!”
I grabbed my phone and pressed the on button. “Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up you stupid…”
I managed to turn on the camera setting, but stupidly took a video instead of a photo of Rove et al leaving. *slaps forehead*
Yawning, but happy, I turned to Karina “That was awesome. Ready to go home?”
That was before we saw the Ch 10 after party, during which Karina was in her element. I desperately wanted to shout something to Nat Bass, but I was too nervous. I bobbed my head, wondering if any of the Rove team were in there and how could I possibly get in without being seen.
Then, the phone rings. It’s my Dad aka the ride home.
“Arrrre you finishedt?!?!”
Thus, here endeth the recount of the single most thrilling experience in my 18 years of life. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I did make eye contact with the man.
The anticipation filled the makeshift television studio, a mixture of nerves and excitement ran through my veins as I watched Mr Entertainment, Rove McManus on the plasma screen in front of me. As he danced a jig, anxiously waiting for his cue to promo, a smile crept on to my face. I could hardly believe that I was going to be watching “Rove” not from the comfort of my living room, but from the source itself.
After a false start, involving driving back to my house to pick up my proof of age card (which turned out to be useless anyway), my BFF Karina and I arrived outside Carriageworks at 8:20 ish.
“Just ask those two ladies…”
My face soured.
“NOOOO!!! I can’t. Can’t you…”
The thing with Karina is she has 110% confidence in these sorts of situations. She sees a celebrity and she will hunt them down. If you want anyone at these sorts of events, it’s her. Bless.
She grabbed my arm and led me towards the “Rove” entrance, albeit distracted by “So You Think Can Dance”.
I braced myself and hoped to Peter, Paul, Mary and Ringo that we would be let in.
The petit but gentile lady at the desk looked up at me.
“Hello girls. Do you have your tickets?”
I fumbled nervously with the piece of paper that was at this moment more precious to me than gold.
“Great. Sitting or Standing?”
“Ok. And the name?”
After perusing the lists twice with no success, Kellie gave us two band passes and we worked towards the huddle that had gathered at Door 1.
“Is this the line?”
“I guess so…”
Technically, we didn’t cut in. Phones switched off, we headed down the cold corridor towards the studio. Passing by Kynan Barker, my eyes did a double take.
“That’s Kynan!!”
“Warm up guy.”
“Oh cool.”
Much to our surprise, Karina and I were given seats assigned for Channel 10 reps.
“We’re like old pros!”
“This beats the shit out of Idol!”
We got comfortable (or at least, as comfortable as we could be in our excitement). There was a buzz in the air; perhaps it was the fact that it was a big show, or maybe the alcohol everyone had beforehand.
My eyes did a bit of wondering and saw Tasma W take her seat in the audience. I pointed her out to Karina and did my “Oh” face.
Kynan came on stage and his warm up went a little like this:
“Hi guys! Blah blah blah..Level 1 clap…Level 2 clap…Apeshit nuts…Rove…excitement blah blah blah.”
I was becoming more and more distracted by the plasma TVs set up with the finale of SYTYCD playing for us.
“Oh God…Jack is going to be here!!!” squealed Karina in my ear.
“Calm down!” Oh, the irony.
“Check out the sign” I said as I pointed out the flashing bulbs that arranged themselves in a fashionable order.
“Ok, let’s make him welcome, the host of the show… ROVE MCMANUS!!!”
I clapped so hard my hands were red and numb. They’ll probably fall off by tonight, I thought.
“OMG!! He’s tiny” remarked Karina.
This time, I let out a squeal.
Rove’s first appearance on the set with Peter was hilarious. A definite highlight was seeing some leg- rawr. And his fugly socks- not so rawr. The outfit was a plus for me; only real men wear pink.
Moving along, and the show started off with only one person slapping Rove’s hand for his entrance. A nodded my head in disappointment. I was also insanely jealous of the standing members of the audience who interacted with the man himself. Then I remembered my problem in that around famous people, my brain works on a delay system. In hindsight it was probably better that I didn’t speak/get too close to Rove. Who knows what might have happened….
The monologue had me in stitches. I love it when he dances- awkward much? :P
I found myself watching his reactions to Carrie’s jokes, simply because I knew that he was off camera during this section. Fascinating.
Pete came on and did PeteSpace. Something I’ve noticed is that this year, there is less chatting during this part than last years season. I miss it!!
During Hugh Jackman’s interview, I swear, one could cut the sexual tension with A KNIFE. I held my breath and crossed my fingers during “$20 in 20 secs” Would he? Wouldn’t he? Was I taping this just in case there was a bit of man loving?
A let out a big “Awww!” (not the kind you make when you see something cute, the kind of sound you make when you’re disappointed) as Hugh teased Rove (and myself). At least we’ll always have Dan Radcliffe….
The adbreaks were a real treat though. More dancing and interaction with the Rove and co= muchos hilarity. Imagine watching a dvd only for the behind the scenes extras. That’s what it’s like.
“Any questions?”
Karina poked my arm “Ask something!”
Sour face appeared again. “I can’t. I don’t know what to say!”
Jack and Rhys’s appearance was lovely, were it not for Ms Giggles and Sighs next to me :P
Next up, Hamish and Andy. Or as I like to call them, Handy. Because they are.
For some stupid reason, I rolled up my jacket sleeve to reveal in plain view my “KM4E” H&A wristband. What the hell was I thinking? They weren’t going to notice it. *le sigh*
Both Karina and I rolled our eyes.
“This takes me right back”
Noticing her handbag, I smirked to my buddy “Oh God, she’s going to try to spruik her bags!”
More eye-rolling throughout the interview. Nervous laughter. I think that interview will go in the “Never Again” bin for Rove. Karina and I both noticed her sullen look later in the show, but it wasn’t until Hamish and Andy discussed Hamish’s “elbow butting” that it made sense. Score: Hamish 1, Satan 0.
Karina and I jolted upright in our seats. Our bogan hero.
The time came for Nat and the Rogue Traders to perform. Being a big RT fan, I was really looking forward to this performance, especially because “What You’re On” is one of my fav songs. I danced a little in my chair and mouthed the words along. I was a little embarrassed that the crew might be watching me, but I really didn’t care. I was enjoying myself too much.
Sadly, the last segment of the evening, “Things that we love” had arrived. Mischa mistake number 2: Rove explaining to her the joke is “because I’m short.”
Her response: “Oh.” *nods head slowly*
“OK, Camera time!”
I grabbed my phone and pressed the on button. “Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up you stupid…”
I managed to turn on the camera setting, but stupidly took a video instead of a photo of Rove et al leaving. *slaps forehead*
Yawning, but happy, I turned to Karina “That was awesome. Ready to go home?”
That was before we saw the Ch 10 after party, during which Karina was in her element. I desperately wanted to shout something to Nat Bass, but I was too nervous. I bobbed my head, wondering if any of the Rove team were in there and how could I possibly get in without being seen.
Then, the phone rings. It’s my Dad aka the ride home.
“Arrrre you finishedt?!?!”
Thus, here endeth the recount of the single most thrilling experience in my 18 years of life. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I did make eye contact with the man.
(PS Much thanks to Mike and RoveOnline- without whom, very little would be possible!)
Turn Head to the side pwease!
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